From strict diets to cold baths, we have all heard and the efforts a professional athlete will put in to gain a competitive edge in his profession. Of course, these efforts are necessary to build muscle, improve agility and gain speed and most importantly enhance your athletic performance.
But, to work out and gain something in the gym, it takes some doing which not just developing your body. Are you ready to maximize the benefits of your workouts?? Here are 7 ways to train like a pro.
1. Work out your Brain
Pro athletes always train their brains to read strengths and weaknesses. You may be thinking how exactly do these pros train their brains and have the abilities to do things a normal person cannot do? Well, it’s not that of rocket science, the key to train your brain is to focus on the outcome and subtract any distractions that come in the way.
These abilities include attention, awareness, and decision-making. They are very important in identifying key play opportunities, filtering out distractions, and paying more attention to weaknesses. When you focus like that you attain abilities that help you achieve not just fitness goals but any goals in life.
2. Prioritize Compound Movements
When you engage more muscles, you gain more muscles. With compound movements such as deadlifts, power lifts, squats, and overhead presses, you can use multiple joints at once. Subsequently, more muscles in use will bring more strength and endurance. That also helps in retaining more stamina.
3. Engage in some Jumping
Jumping is an activity that can make your movements more fruitful. Subsequently, this could improve your overall strength and physical performance. If you focus and dedicatedly work on your jumping and landing mechanics, this could result in a high carryover to multiple sports. Some of these possible sports are badminton, basketball, football, volleyball, and tennis.
To train like a pro athlete, you can start by doing some small jumps then rev up to squat jumps, quick vertical jumps and box jumps (spending as little time on the ground as possible).
4. Drink more Water
In order for your muscles to function optimally during training, it’s crucial to hydrate. The layers of connective tissue that flex or make your muscles work are largely composed of water. So, if you get dehydrated, you get exhausted it can negatively impact your performance and overall stamina.
If you do not hydrate the sliding surfaces between these layers of tissues and other parts become “glued” down. As a result, you may experience cramping and out of breath while working out, which compromises your training session. You might lose that pumped-out session of workout that just started to hit and gain big mass. For high-performance athletes, experts recommend drinking water by 0.6 weight of your body to get maximum results.
5. Practice Active Recovery
When you have stiff, ached muscles, the only thing you don’t feel like doing is working out. But the worst thing you can do when you have sore muscles is to do nothing at all. Like most people, after hitting the gym for the first few days in their life they relax for a few and then go back which goes entirely opposite to the recovery phase.
Pro athletes engage in low-intensity, low rep workouts, to speed up recovery. Even smaller workouts such as brisk walking, 15-minute dynamic warm-ups and bicycling variations can increase blood flow without causing more soreness.
6. Get Gear
Always pack your gym bag with the right training gear before you go lift or travel to maximum results. Experts suggest keeping a foam roller, bands, lacrosse ball, and stretchable rings. Gym bag essentials will help you to stay on the path, regardless of where you go training. We also suggest your own water bottle, stretching bands, towels sneakers, and a change of clothes even at the gym.
7. Regular Exercise
Regular Exercise is the phenomenon that makes your muscles work and requires your body to burn fuel on daily basis. Being active in an exercise routine has many benefits, both physical and mental. It might help you live longer given and helps you to complete your commitment making like prof athlete.
7. Time Your Rest
Paying close attention to your breaks and allowing full recovery will result in max outputs, which enables athletes to operate at a certain level. Max output is the amount of force that you’re able to produce when conditions are optimal. And rest periods must be completed according to your workouts to ensure quality. Only the speed and quality of your workouts determine how long should you rest between workouts.
Of course, becoming a pro athlete requires dedication, focus, sacrifice and hard work. At least now you know the ways you can take your training to the next level. So, ready to enhance your athletic performance? You can also join Velocity Health and Fitness for the max results and materialize your time and money at the gym. We have multiple trainers who will guide you on your journey to ample fitness results.